.. _screenshots: **************************************** How to take screenshots and make movies **************************************** GUI control =========== This is the Controls window. You can create vectors and run simulations. The time shows you the time of the NEURON_ simulator. .. _NEURON: http://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/ You can change the `tstop`, the `dt` and the initial voltage from the GUI or the console. .. image:: _static/Neuronvisio_Controls_Init_and_Run.png 3-D rendering ============= Rendering of a simple model with 3 section. .. image:: _static/Simple_model.png The neurons is rendered using the Mayavi pipeline, where is possibile to choose from different colormap and additional filters. Using the `GnBu` colormap with the Axes. .. image:: _static/nrnvisio-mayavi-color.png :scale: 70 Using the `red-blue` colormap with the Axes. .. image:: _static/nrnvisio-mayavi-color2.png :scale: 70 3-rendering of a 3d-points reconstructed model ---------------------------------------------- Rendering of a more complex model, a pyramidal neuron. .. image:: _static/Neuronvisio_3D.png :scale: 70 Timecourse movie and pylab graphs ================================= It is possible to follow the timecourse of a variable in the whole neuron or networks using the bottom slider, after the simulation has been ran, or reloaded. If a particular point in time is of interest, insert in the animation Time line textfield and hit return. The pylab graphs are integrated and can be easily generated with a click. For example here we shows hhow the voltage change in a simple model and in a pyramidal one. Pyramidal neuron ---------------- The propagation of the voltage among the neuron. The stimuli was given in the soma. .. image:: _static/pyramidal_3D_change_voltage.png :scale: 70 The `pyramidal example`_ is shipped with Neuronvisio. .. _pyramidal example: https://github.com/mattions/neuronvisio/tree/master/examples/pyramidal Medium Spiny Neuron with explicit spines modelled ------------------------------------------------- There are more than 4000 sections in this model, where each spine is individually modelled and distributed on the MSN body. .. image:: _static/neuronWithSpines.png :scale: 50 A zoomed version, with one spine's head selected. .. image:: _static/spines_detailed.png :scale: 30 Pylab integration ----------------- It is possible to use the standard pylab tool and to plot the timecourses in the current figure, or create a new one just selecting another output figure number. .. image:: _static/pylab_integration.png :scale: 70 Network example =============== Neuronvisio can handle the visualization of networks. For example check out the `Cerebellum Networks`_ example, ported to NEURON with neuroConstruct_. This `Cerebellum Network example`_ is shipped with Neuronvisio code. .. _neuroConstruct: http://www.neuroconstruct.org .. _Cerebellum Networks: http://www.neuroconstruct.org/samples/index.html#Ex6_CerebellumDemo-N101EA .. _Cerebellum Network example: https://github.com/mattions/neuronvisio/tree/master/examples/cerebellum_network .. image:: _static/cerebellum_network.png Making a movie ============== To make a movie it is possible to call the function :py:class:`neuronvisio.controls.Controls.make_animation_screenshots`:: controls.make_animation_screenshots(time_start, time_stop=None, saving_dir='anim') which will save all the screenshots in brand new directory (default is anim). To stack them in a movie, you can use ffmpeg with the following command:: ffmpeg -f image2 -r 10 -i %09d.png -sameq anim.mov -pass 2 One of the example video, using the pyrimidal neuron can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOuptLKZ5rU